Tuesday, March 1, 2016

VC choice from Vietnam-- Stableford on the Tuart

I think the sponsor was good ol' SOS,,,, thanks Team SOS!

Unfortunately the field wasn't as bountiful as possible as the temperature had once again claimed a few fallers along the way.

And as is often the way at Wembley when it's a bit tepid, we set out for a hot and painfully slow front 9.

Even the wildlife was overtaking us.

The play was soooooo slow, after 9 holes Vickie stopped off for some Afternoon Tea,,,,, 

whilst a few of us considered retiring to the 19th early to rehydrate 

Pre- whack off, some chose to seek solace in the shade

And others tried to just while away a wicked hangover,,,,, eh Ron????

T'was indeed a tough day mate, as I literally felt your pain!

others merely surrendered to the elements,,, and laughed it all off! 

Run for the hills, was the cry

it would appear that Shelley was misinformed with the birfdays for this week.

As we had 2:--

Ron 'The StarGazer' Conway
Paul 'Sunnies' King

HAPPY B-DAY GUYS,,,, I hope you both got spoiled.

And so onto the scores on the doors:-

1st Phil McKeague - 39. Birdies 9th & 11th holes
Another one in the bag fella!

 2nd Ian Holmes - 36 (on 1st countback)
 So close me ol' mucker

 3rd Paul King - 36 (on 1st countback)
 Well done PK

 4th Ciaran McGlue - 33 (on 1st countback)
 Nice result

 5th Richard Osborne - 33 (on 1st countback). Birdie 16th hole

 6th Colin Kerr - 33 (on 1st countback). Birdie 1st hole

 Glen Pope - 33. Birdie 4th hole
 Greg Bennett - 33
 Don Beesley - 32
 Steve DeSantis - 32
 Peter Baird - 31. Birdie 9th hole
 Graeme Powell - 30
 Brett Fordham - 30
 Earle Scarff - 30
 Ron Conway - 29
 Gordon Neilsen - 29
 Paul Gardner - 26
 Nola DeSantis - 26
 Kerry Gardner - 25
 Vickie Scarff - 22
 Beautifully read fines Vickie,, heheheee

Good to see the new members featuring on the podium!!!!

NTP 9--  Ian
NTP10-- Glenn
LD17--   Phil
NTP18-- Ron

And no the Golden Hole didn't go off again,,,, the paltry amount in the kitty clearly isn't doing it for us at the mo.

Fines of the Week
As normal there were a few on offer, and apologies if i've missed any of the classics from saturday, as i find it very tough, to listen, write & drink at the same time,,,, something has to give!

Peter The Juggler Baird-- ahhh Peter, having played with you for the last couple of weeks i have to say it is indeed a pleasure to watch you try and swing yourself off your feet with almost every shot.
But there were a couple of other 'moments of madness':-
a) scoring on the wrong card, and on the wrong 9 (not bad for a Financial Wizard!)
b) Deciding to putt when Richard was almost in his putting stroke,,, and virtually standing in the hole
c) Saving the best to the last,,,,, the drinking problem,,,,, clearly the Ginger Beer was too powerful as it slipped through his grasp whilst sitting down for the presentation.
It must be noted however that it was a great 'rescue catch' as minimal fluid escaped.

Paul Gonchy Gardner-- a truly horrendous round of Scattergun Golf, losing 4 balls in total,,,, 2 from the tee on the 6th,,, 
interspersed with McAngry moments,,, aaaarrrgggghhhhhh

Phil Macca McKeague-- or Pip as he is affectionately called by his friends and family for bringing out the Mary Poppins Pose

Kerry Where Are My New Clubs Gardner-- for abusing Gordo when she climbed back into the golf cart and burning her butt, and blaming him for deliberately parking 'her side' in the sun

*Disclaimer alert-- the above Fines bare little resemblance to the truth.
For an accurate representation of the facts, please ask the person in question.

Random Pics

Quite an apt numberplate for a man with a bistro

Blimey, how long do we have to wait?????

A visit by the Stangers

I'm not talking to you,,,,
and i'm ignoring you

wedded bliss x

It's just like being back at school with these nicknames,,, says Sticky McGlue

Laughing again as i clean out that Gardner foolchild again,,,, will he ever learn?

Look at those wheels

Concentration as the eyes go down for the Committee's Raffle

AGM is on the 19th March,,,, venue yet to be confirmed
Please send any motions direct to Shelley as soon as poss

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