Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Opening Day & Easter Cup 2016

Sponsored by the delectable (and absent) Kerry.

As luck would have it, the Opening Day and the Easter Cup coincided on the same day so there were two things to look forward to!

Unfortunately the forecast was for nothing but rain, rain and more rain,,,, something that was confirmed by Peter The WeatherMan Baird,,,, apparently is was due to clear up Sunday arvo.

A new tradition was born as El Presidente 'opened the new season' with a game of 'nearest the pink ball'.

Very simply, to tumultuous applause Shelley hit off first using a pink ball.
The Pres hit a great strike to beyond the big tree on the corner,,,,,,, and the closest to her shot was to win a fine bottle of champers.

And the winner,,,,,,,,,,,, Vickie!!!!!

And very appropriate win it was too as Earle & Vickie were, like Derek & Fran last week, celebrating the birth of their first grandchild Logan

Big congrats to Papa Earle & Nanna Vickie,,, enjoy whetting the little's brow.

Plus it wouldn't be Easter without a some Easter Eggs,,,,

And a big shout out to Shelley for bringing along some bunny ears and some choc eggs!

It was even better as these were the only Easter Eggs i was going to receive as my beloved wife had forgotten to leave me any before her sojourn overseas,,,,

Boo hiss i hear you cry!

As for the birthdays, and it's not until next Friday, but it's worth a good mention as we have a true April Fool amongst us,,,,,

Oh yes Ciaran Sticky McGlue will be celebrating his bday on Friday 1st April,,,, 

congrats mate, and we do appreciate the advance notice that you may not be present on Saturday due to the faint possibility of too much of the Good Stuff!

I do hope you make it, as personally I have always found that playing with a stinkin hangover (or still slightly pooosed)  improves my game.

Now before we get to the important stuff of the results, at the behest of Vickie we are introducing a new feature that is designed to inform us all of any changes or announcements,,,,,

so onwards and upwards for;-

Captain's Corner  

Daily Handicap changes for Old course:  
Ciaran down from 25 to 21 – wow! Hehehehe welcome to the winners circle.
Gordon down 1 to 20
Frances down 1 to 23.
With the beginning of the Winter Season last Saturday, players are now eligible for the Consistency Trophy with points being awarded 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 for the first 6 places.  

The Club Championship events are also held over the Winter Season and the best 5 gross scores out of a possible 7 games are counted for the Club Champion, Ladies Champion, “A” Grade Champion” and “B” Grade Champion with the best 5 net scores out of a possible 7 games are counted for the Handicap Champion.  Note, to be eligible, members must play at least 11 games in the Winter Season, including at least 5 championship days.

BBQ at Perry Lakes following Perry Lakes Cup event on 9 April 2016 – fond memories of Lorenzo, the donor of this Cup – we are waiting for a return visit!
You coming back Lozza, you Italian Stallion????

The Results
So despite the weather there were some pretty good scores:-
Congratulations to Ciaran for a big 6 points and his first Cup!
Trophy awarded by Shelley on behalf of Kerry

1st         Ciaran McGlue 45
2nd       Gordon Neilsen 39
3rd        Stan Tan 37
4th        Peter Baird 36 (on corrected 1st countback)
5th        Frances Longhurst 36 (on 1st countback)
6th        Brett Fordham 36 (on 1st countback) (birdies on 4th & 5th)
Glen Pope 34 (birdie on 2nd)
Earle Scarff, Gary Burgess (birdies on 2nd & 16th33
Paul Gardner 32 (birdie on 7th)
Gim Ong (birdie on 16th), Richard Osborne (birdie on 10th31
Greg Bennett 30
Derek Longhurst 29
Shelley Yeo 27
Phil McKeague 26 (birdie on 5th)
Vickie Scarff 23. 
And yes it was Vickie bringing up the rear to keep the lollies in the family after last week's attempt by Earlos.

NTP 2-- Glenn
NTP 6-- Frances
NTP13-- Glenn
NTP16-- Gim
Beautiful golf peeps,,, top efforts and to make it even much more gooderer, after a 7week drought the Golden Hole went off and was won by a great shot by Gary The Coach Burgess.

Apparently he cleaned up at his Wednesday club too, so it's been a great week for Coach. Well done mate!!!!!

Fines of the Week
Not as many as normal, as it was a pretty sedate week but a couple of goodies to keep that smile on your dial:-
Stan-- not content with beating me for the money, but he felt the need to take it out on my poor defenceless hat,,, heheheheee

Glenn-- overheard whilst discussing Phil The Mack McKeague's lowly 26,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "I see cream does sink after all"

Ciaran-- for winning his first SOS Cup and for skulling a beer out of it with the boys at home,,,, nice work dude,,,, proud of ya,,,, shame i couldn't upload the real video heheheheee

Gary-- commenting on Brett FairWeather Fordham actually turning up to play golf when it was raining!

Random Pics

Great day for ducks

DAmp debt collecting

"I'm going to hit the Pink Ball down that way"

The Crowd gathers

Did Ciaran really score that??????

Let the banditry commence

Still bloody raining

Working the books as always

There's always next week!

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