Tuesday, July 12, 2016

MatchPlay SF & 4BBB stableford

Sponsored by I think SOS again, but not entirely sure.

Firstly our thoughts go out to Gary The Coach Burgess who is struggling away at Fiona Stanley with a bad case of sepsis!
Our thoughts are with ya bruvver.

And so it was a Battle Against The Elements as we soggily stomped our way around Wembley for the Semi-Finals of the MatchPlay whilst the rest of us struggled with 4BBB stableford.

The was mucho rain, and even the WeatherMan predicted we were unlikely to finish the round....

Now just so i get the warning out there, this will be quite a short blog, with limited stories, for two main reasons:-

1) My note book got washed away in the rain

2) My hands were too cold and i really couldn't be ars#d to write much of it down

I did ask for a few contributions to be emailed, but i'm guessing nobody else could be ars#d either, as i didn't get anythink heheheheh

Apart from something from Stan The Man Tan, and it didn't really apply,,,, but thanks mate!

Now before we start, i must welcome our newest member, 

Ben Something (sorry i did tell ya i wasn't paying any attention!) to the SOS fold on such a glorious day.

It's great to meet ya mate, and let's hope the weather brightens up for us all soon.

So what was on the cards for such a dreamy day?

Game 1- Earl v Lynne

As you can see the battle and the War of Words started early.

Game 2- Ciaran v Colin

No pic of the other two battlers, and even Colin got a bit shy

The Results
Earl defeated Lynne*        
Ciaran defeated Colin

* please see the quotes below

And so the Final of the 2016 MatchPlay is between 
Earl The Elder Statesman against Ciaran The Young Pretender.

Good luck gentleman.

Where's your money SOS????? Let me know and i'll open a book!

The Rest 4BBB Stabelford

Due to the rather inclement weather, many people retired to the bar after 9 holes, however much to the surprise of many, Tom English Rielley & Gardi The Broken carried on throughout the rain!

It must be stated that it was after a medicinal beer or two at half time.

As such, and due to to my previous excuses i have nothing else really to say.

Actually, i've just remembered who won the 4BBB stableford and it was:-

Woo hoo peeps,,,,,

Now again I didn't take too much notice but what I can say is i, Gardi The Busted won, not one, but two of the Nearest the Pins.
Narrowly defeating Brett 4D Fordham on both occasions.

Phil New Swing McKeague, won one of the most controversial of the novelties, The Longest Putt.
Controversial because nobody could understand what it was all about??????

Guys and gals, the clue is in the name! Longest Putt!!!!
Whoever sinks the longest putt wins,,,,, is it really that hard?????

And both Kerry The Patient and I haven't got a clue about the fourth novelty,,,, but well done on whoever won it!

Golden Hole
Never really had a chance of going off, and anyway with less than $20 in the kitty it's not worth winning anyway!

Fines of the Week
Ok onto the funtimes, and a few goodies here i reckon,,, so sit back and enjoy:-

Ciaran- The self proclaimed rough as a Bager's Arse before he started with eyes that i would have been proud of!

Lynne- Bring on the rain, as i know that Earl is shoite in the rain!

Earl- After singing a fantastic rendition of "Join Me Dancing Naked in the Rain", he announced there is one thing better than winning, it's beating Lynne whilst playing in the rain.

Colin- Commenting on The WeatherMan's ability to predict the climate
I reckon that man's a bloody dud!

Gim- acting like the Trampoline Tumbler, jumping all over the place trying to stay warm.
Bouncey, bouncey hehehehe

Tom- Getting a per after having a slut! Great golf dude!

Tom- for appearing again at golf with a bacon sarnie tightly in his grip, stating the Bacon Fairy Missus cooks me one every saturday before golf.
Can we all please have a bacon fairy???? Pretty please????

Random Pics

Ahhh look at the love.

Discussing tactics and head gear

Cheers for the hat Davo!

Blimey it's a bit chilly around the willy!

Well i actually thought it was lovely out there.

Strength of a bear

Just practising the 'sad face' cos it's raining

Hailstones on the putting green

Jumping buddies


Pretty in Pink

The gathering on the first

Where's my coffee Ian?????

Loving your tactics Earl, get your first strike in early hehehehehee

I knew i should've played,,, argghhhh

Happy Earl

Phil trying to explain AGAIN the Longest Putt novelty,,,

The girls starting to thaw out

Amazing what happens after SEVERAL medicinal whiskies

Hubble Bubble Toil and Trouble

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like the weather is as bad as it is in England - and it's supposed to be summer here, roll on that holiday!
