Saturday, November 18, 2023



The President’s Cup on the Tuart.


A touch warm, with very little breeze. The sky a perfect ultramarine blue.

We're all going pretty well

And a nice early tee-off.

Peter with his customised cocktail

Good to see Bernie back - taking part in the first group, because...(wanted to get away early, I suppose)?


We also welcomed Maureen back.


And James Axson completed the necessary paperwork, and is now a member of SOS.

Lynley makes James welcome

There was an incident in the ladies toilets, where Carol was shocked to discover a gentleman (!) wrestling with a number of clubs in one of the cubicles. Apparently this is a condition known as puttaphilia, and incidences should be reported to the relevant authorities.


Frances leapt out of the blocks, startling us all, when she spotted a $20 blowing down the path. We obviously need to increase her pocket money allowance.


Birgit celebrated her birthday on the 11th, Greg Dunkeld is planning to on the 23rd - his, that is.

We also welcomed back the troupe that had been awol last week at Kalgoorlie.


Apparently Andrea’s carriage on the train was censured for general noise and raucousness.

Looking smicko

On the Saturday competition, Lynley managed a remarkable 46 points, with Lynne on 42 and Shelley on 40, some pretty remarkable scores. 

Somehow, Pug Dog's sister had also managed to get in on the act

The longest drive was also picked up by Andrea, so the SOS representatives did us proud.


On the Friday, Andrea with her partner Jane had wrangled a score of +10, placing them 6th with a $100 prize.

Boris drags his buggy out of the bunker before we can nab a photograph. 

The novelties:

NTP on the 18th, Earle, outpointed by Maureen.

Gerry reckons it's an unplayable. Don't like the gap through the tree then?

NTP in 2 on the 16th, Gardy, pipped by Goochy


NTP in 3 on the 11th, Mark W, Gardy, but Keith inside all of them


LD Mens on the 4th, Earle, but Keith again

LD Ladies on the 2nd, Andrea, then Lynley, but Maureen past both of them


Nuria on the 6th (Apparently the celebrations were protracted)

Nuria birdies the sixth

Mark Wilson on the 4th, 7th, 15th and 17th (clearly on form today)


Steph on the 7th and 10th

and Don on the 9th

BUT, the highlight of the day, an eagle by Gardy on the 7th.

Gardy with a deep plug - still manages up and down for par 


Goochy aware that as President, it would be rude to win his own cup, but did he really need to go that far? Very nice of you, most gentlemanly.

Great result, Mark. By a margin of six points!

Interesting observation, that 1, 2 and 3 today come from the first group. Has this ever happened before?

The winners circle


So true...


(There were more shenanigans in the ladies toilets later, apparently Lynne left her rangefinder hanging on the toilet door (why?) and sent Shelley in to investigate. Shelley found herself interrogating the current occupant as to whether she was sharing the cubicle with some expensive technology, and became involved in passing said item hand to hand under the door.)

Mark Wilson doing that rather unsporting thing of winning both the trophy and the raffle. He credits a good night’s sleep for his successful day on the course.

Birds remain unconvinced that was such a great shot

Next week we compete for the Memorial trophy. It’s a stroke competition on the Tuart (Ugh!) at 0724 hrs.


There will be no presentation after the game next week, as we will be decamping to the Annual Dinner at 6pm at Lot Six Zero, our generous sponsor.


Do let Goochy know if you’ll be there. Cost is $50 for members, $65 for guests, paid to the general SOS account, not the bookings account. There’ll be food, booze, and decorations courtesy of Carol and her friends at Red Dot.


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