Wednesday, August 7, 2024

SOS 2024 Club Championship Semi Final

Another beautiful winter day for one of the more important days on the SOS calendar as the 4 matchplay semifinalists battle it out for a place in the final to take place on 17 August on the Tuart Course.

In the first group it was Barry vs Maureen with referee Keith Barrow.

The next group Gary took on Greg with referee Gerry Tessier.

Greg and Gary on the 1st tee

While the rest of the pack settled for a gentle round of stableford!

The 'Terrible Twins'!
Steph & Bernie making an impression

An unorthodox creed that seems to work? 

Blue skies & sunshine!

Two of SOS' four honorary members

Any last minute instructions?

A bit of hip bumping?

Happy days!!

Ready to start
Andrea & Birgit before the start
Gary tees off on the 1st

As referee, Gerry was keen to ensure a level playing field for the Greg / Gary match and found it necessary to remonstrate with Gary on his placement of his ball on the first tee !! Fortunatley, most members were out of ear shot and missed the exchange. 

Some of the tee marker placings left little advantage
 for the green and white players 

Puggy on the 10th decides to  lay-up near the left side bunker!
An  easy up & down for a birdie.


Mark W with a difficult lie!

Fashionista Vickie matching the colour
 of her water bottle with key of her cart!


Earle & Glen enjoying a stroll down the fairway!

President's Message

SOS President Gerry Tessier welcomed all present at the post game meeting and advised the SOS annual County Cup competition will be held at the Meadow Springs golf course on Sunday, 29 September 2024, commencing at approximately 9am.

Country Cup details are:

Members cost will be $50 which includes the 18 holes plus food. Members cost increases to $75 each if a shared cart is included.  Guests will pay an additional $20.

We have 28 places available for competition. If you wish to play, please make a booking before 15 September by informing Shelley, who will lead the organisation and booking for the day. Should the number of players exceed the booked 28 places, the priority order will be based on the earliest payment dates.

SOS Captain Andrea will lead the catering arrangements and any special requirements should be discussed with her.  Andrea will circulate a menu some 2 weeks prior to the event.

A special thanks to Goochy who organised the event with Meadow Spring.

Next Week

The rules for Par Plus will be circulated separately on Thursday, when the playing list for 10 August is circulated. The game will be played on the Old Course, commencing at 9.32 am.

 Andrea will prepare HDC for each player and we need to use a manual scorecard.

Vice Captain Injury

Finally, James Axon our Vice Captain has informed us he has major shoulder injury and will not be able to play golf for some time. 

Thanks to Glen Pope who has agreed to step in as acting Vice Captain until James recovers. We wish the best for quick recovery to James who is always welcome for 19 holes drinks.

Match Play Results

Both matches were hard fought and close!

Gary scored a 2/1 win over Greg.

And Barry triumphing over Maureen 1/0 after two (or was it three?) replays of the 18th hole!

Players in the first 3 groups watch on as Maureen & Barry
 advance for the 3rd time toward the 18th green!

Maureen putts on the 18th as Barry looks on
 and referee hold the flag stick.

President Gerry Tessier commiserates with Maureen
 as Boris strides off the green with a smile!

A hard fought win for Boris!

TJ's experienced some proper country golf last week at the famous Kweda Golf Course - and has supplied some pics  . . . . . 

Outside the club shed

Only $2 for visitors to play a round!

Black sand 'greens' reduce greenkeeping costs!

For those interested to experience golfing in the bush, the Kweda golf course can be found by heading east on the Brookton Highway, and about 40 kilometres past the turnoff to the Dreaming Frog Climbing Area look for signposts to the course! 

Stableford results

Popey reads out the results of the stableford competition

A magnificent win by Kerry Edwards with a score of 42, two clear of runner-up Mark Wilson on 40, with Paul Boquest completing the podium on 38 points.

An interesting gap of 26 handicap points between 1st and 3rd!

Congratulations also to Bernie and Vickie for tieing on 35 points. 

Birgit wins the lollies and the privilege to read out the list of fines.

Eagles & Birdies

No Eagles, however 12 birdies were scored by just 5 players - including 4 by Mark W!

Mark W on 3, 10, 11 & 17.
Paul B on 7, 8 & 9.
Puggy on 6, 11 & 17.
Steph on 15.
Maureen on 2.


NTP hole 2 - Keith, Maureen (birdie!)
NTP in 3 hole 4 - Mark W, Paul B
Womens LD hole 7 - Maureen followed by The Flamingo Queen

Anyone seen a Flamingo Queen?

Novelties continued . . 

Mens LD hole 12 - Gerry, Gary both zapped by 4D
NT bunker (1st shot) hole 14 - Keith, Gary

Ash Tray Fund

Birgit did an excellent job on the fines, ably assisted by
 Bernie & Nuria - raising $25.60 for the Ash Tray Fund.


The raffle discs must have been sold out as the collection was $70 - a record for some time!

Maureen had at least one win of the day by collecting the raffle's 1st prize !

The raffle winner collects a $20 gift voucher from SOS sponsor, Lot Six Zero.

Puggy churns the barrel of discs.

Kerry was a minor prize winner in the raffle draw!

Miscellaneous photos that failed to separate!

Struth !
 That might have cost me the trophy! 

End    💨    🏆

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