Saturday, August 31, 2024


 Match Play Final and Blind Stableford Pairs!

That’ where your score gets added to someone else’s, but you don’t know whose.

So, if your low score gets added to someone’s who had a good round, you won’t be popular.

However, it seemed to go down quite well at the afters, where there was much gentle banter as the pairs were drawn by our two match play finalists.

More of that later, but first

The Match Play Final was played out by Gary and Boris, after the previous attempt two weeks ago had been abandoned because of pouring rain.

Today, we avoided pouring rain, but it was very much a four seasons day.

Rainbow over the clubhouse

There was warm sunshine

There was cold wind

There was drizzle

And most things in between.

Jumpers and jackets were on, and off again, and back on again, with monotonous regularity.

The Match Play final saw Gary one up at the turn, with the game going to the final hole, and Gary winning with a score of 2 up.


Congratulations Gary, and commiserations to Boris, who put up a stirring fight.

Frances offers Boris commiserations

Gerry and Shelley played alongside the pair to ensure fair play.

We'll see fair play

Apparently on the last, Boris unleashed a killer iron shot which nearly wiped out our committee.

Gerry just managed to avoid serious damage to some vital parts.

Gerry reenacts the moment

The rest of us garnered our Stableford scores, and competed for a range of novelties.

Two Golden Hole competitions

Trainee green keepers

Neither of which went off.

On hole 14, nearest the bunker was claimed by Steph, who nearly went in.

She also collected the ladies’ longest drive on the 7th.

The men’s longest drive on the 12th went to Gerry in the first group, who managed to get it right round the corner and in the middle of the fairway, and that’s where the marker stayed for the rest of the afternoon.

Nearest the pin in 3 on the 5th was a bit more competitive. Gary was on first, then Andrea, but Coops snagged it in the end.

And nearest the pin in 2 on the 13th had Gerry on the board, then Earle, but Popey got even closer.

Gerry also apparently managed to get run over by his own autonomous buggy - we’ll see more of this once driverless cars become the thing.

Went to the last hole

Peter reports that his knee has been fixed up - he went in on Tuesday and out of Thursday.

He’s undergoing plenty of physio, and is being frazzled by a cocktail of painkillers.

Some birthdays coming up. Gerry celebrates on Sept 4th, Michael Curtis on the 5th, and Vickie on the 9th.

A nice slew of birdies this week:

Puggy on the 14th

Popey on the 11th and 17th

Gerry on the 9th

Paul B on the 1st and 11th

Coops on the 1st

and Roland on the 12th

Well done, those players.

Here are the individual Stableford results for the day

Well played, Gim

Gim ponders turning professional

The Country Cup approacheth. Currently there are 26 players registered, which means there are 2 places still available for the competition at Meadowsprings on the 29th September. Steph incurred an unusual fine today for a TWP. 

Steph gets fined again

That's a Talking While Putting, as she missed an absolute sitter trying to putt without having to stop her story. 

Please pay Shelley by Friday of this week. It’s $50 for the game and food, and $50 per pair for a cart if that’s your thing.

I won the raffle

And now, the Blind Stableford pairs results:







Paul Cooper

Glen Pope




Glen Kelly















Paul B

























Mark Smith





The winning pair


Next week, round 1 of the Spring Cup - a two week stroke play competition. An early start, 7:36 on the Old, so set those alarm clocks. And in case you weren't there, here is a reminder of the bets placed by those at the international night on the Match Play players.

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