Saturday, August 17, 2024



The final of the Match Play competition - always a pivotal moment on the SOS calendar, while Stableford for everyone else.

And a surprisingly large field, given that the BOM had been forecasting a Saturday deluge for some days.

No matter - at SOS we are not put off by a discouraging report. After all, we know that God plays golf on Saturdays.

A momento of sunnier times - 
Steph in a pickle last week.

And at 09:30, it was dry and encouraging. Why, the sun was even trying to break through.

Unfortunately, this time the BOM seems to have got it right. It didn’t take too many holes before those sprinkles began.

And not too many more before the sprinkles turned to something more akin to showers, and the showers to good old solid rain.

Gerry's provisional - his first was never found

The first casualty was the Match Play final.  The greens were inundated, and putters useless, at which point the referees declared the match unplayable, to be rescheduled at a later date. 

We understand that at the time, Boris was in a commanding position.

Chipping with an 8-iron became the go-to strategy on the green

(BTW, this is the prestigious trophy that the Match Play players compete for. 

Unlike other SOS trophies, to win this one you actually have to lose the Match Play final. The winner receives just a bog standard cup shaped-thing.)

Shelley on the 14th

However, the Stableford players pressed on for a while, convinced perhaps that the worst had passed over.

Some bowed to the inevitable, and made their sad and soggy way back to the clubhouse, where drinks and warm chips awaited.

While a heroic half-dozen completed the course in triumph. They will be commemorated from hereon as the brave SOS aquanauts, and will be permitted to wear a medal depicting a pair of crossed flippers on their SOS shirts.

Unfortunately, this was not the end of their trials. The clubhouse was already packed with damp golfers, and our noble few were asked to vacate the premises, to make space for a group outside that were getting wet.

Ready for anything

The management did, however, roll out a couple of heaters to keep the SOS survivors from getting frostbite, and contributed two plates of chicken wings for their being so nice.

Keith very gallantly drove Carol home, where she quickly downed a shot a two of whisky, before he returned to Wembley for the results.

Shelley comments that she is well equipped for such conditions, with good wet weather gear that kept her warm and dry, apart from a little dampness round the cuffs.


There were novelties:

On hole 9, the NTP in 2 proved, unsurprisingly, beyond anyone.

The Golden Hole remained unclaimed.

NTP on the 18th was collected by Roland.

Boris' putt on the eighteenth

A great putt, sir!

Yep, it's in the hole

NTP in 2 on the 5th was again unclaimed, as was the NTP on the 11th.

We gather Popey is to be fined next week for failing to release markers for the LD men’s and women’s.

With only half a dozen players making it all the way round, presumably all acquired points towards their consistency totals. 

The results for today:

Congratulations to Roland, with Dave and Shelley pretty much on his tail. Very reasonable scores, given the conditions.

Everyone a winner

And Gerry picking up the lollies.

Always pleased to win something

This was a week which will go down in the annals as a great triumph for those brave and dogged players who made it all the way to the eighteenth. We will remember you with awe and respect.

Shelley is still taking names for the Country Cup, there are four places still available. 16 players have already paid, those who haven’t are encouraged to get on with it.

Paul Gardner reports from the UK that he is sweltering in temperatures of 24 degrees and more, the beaches crowded with young lasses wearing the briefest of bikinis, while he enjoys a leisurely frothy sitting in the beer garden during one of those long English summer evenings that go on for ever.

Given the monsoonal weather we’re experiencing here, I think you’ve made the right call, Paul.  

Many thanks to Carol, Shelley and Gerry for contributing photos this week, especially given the conditions.

Next week, it’s another stroke competition, the final round of the Club Championship on the Tuart, at the rather unfamiliar time of 8:52.








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