Saturday, August 10, 2024


Congratulations to Lydia Ko

Those of us who watched the Olympics Golf would have learned that yesterday on this day of high summer in Paris there were beautiful blue skies and a perfect balmy temperature of 26 degrees.

Those of us who played SOS golf yesterday would have learned that on this mid-winter day in Perth there were also beautiful blue skies and, that’s right, a perfect balmy temperature of 26 degrees.  

Puggy manages to hit his ball off the tee with just a practice swing.

As we know, the golfing gods all play on Saturday morning, much to our benefit.

Carol offers Derek some tips with his putting stroke

So, it was Par Plus. That’s the same as Par except that if you have an amazing hole, a Stableford four-pointer, you can give yourself an extra Plus.

Roland feeling blue today

Doesn’t happen very often, seems today only three players were able to take advantage of the bonus.

The Country Cup will be on us before we realise - Shelley reminds us that she only has eight places left - let her know asap if you’ll be coming, and pay your fees to the SOS booking account, mentioning ‘Country Cup’ or something similar.

Wild golf here!
Gardy just can't be arsed to take a drop. 

And another reminder, a propos of something that happened last Saturday - if you believe that your score or result is wrong for any reason, let the captain know before you sign your card or enter it into the computer. Otherwise unfortunately it’s a done deal.

Kerry maintaining social distance

That’s not just an SOS or a Wembley rule, it’s how the PGA and the USGA rules operate. We know it’s been disappointing for one of our players, so let’s all remember - if you believe there’s been a mistake, make your case nice and early.

Are we appreciating the nice new novelty markers? 

Glen regaled us with the exploits of the winners, who were as follows:

Golden Hole - no one got close enough this week, so the $150 remains for next week, and presumably a second GH will be initiated.

NTP in 3 on the First - won by Puggy 

NTP on the Sixth - Kerry, outpointed by Gardy

NTP in 2 on the 15th - Popey

NTP on the 13th - Karl

NTP in 3 on the 18th - Puggy, followed by Maureen, but outpointed by Popey.

Birdies? A couple to report:

Derek on the 4th, Paul Boquest on the 5th (Wow, index 1!), Steph on the 2nd.

Birgit drains a twenty-footer for par

A shout out to Shelley, her wedding anniversary today - 56 years since Malcolm and Shelley celebrated that special day.

"My point is this..."


We heard of a member who was having a frustrating time with their interactions with the legal fraternity. We offer the following as consolation:

A Lawyer named 'Strange' died and his wife asked the grave builder to inscribe on his grave:-

"Here lies Strange, an honest man, and a lawyer."

The grave builder insisted that such an inscription would be confusing and people would tend to think that three men were buried under the grave.

However he suggested an alternative:

"Here lies a man who was both honest and a lawyer."

That way, whenever anyone walked by the grave and read it, they would be certain to remark:

"That's Strange !"

And now he's found a matching bag to go with the outfit!
Best dressed today by a mile.

So, the results of the Par Plus competition:

 Congratulations to Kerry - first place two weeks running. Some of us took a little longer to master this game!

(I’ve had to fudge the standard MiScore output, as the computer doesn’t understand Par Plus. The players in yellow appear to be those who were able to take advantage of the extra plus rule. It also seems that a computer malfunction failed to record the scores of three players.

For the record, Glen Pope with -7, Earle and Greg with -4)

A big thanks to everyone who sent in photos - all contributions very gratefully received. 

Next week, it’s the final of the Match Play competition,  Barry Treak vs Gary Burgess. The rest of us will probably be enjoying Stableford at 9:32 on the Tuart.


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