Saturday, October 12, 2024

Final Round of the Benkerr Cup - Australia v The Rest of the World

Perfect playing conditions greeted the players again for the second and final round of the Cup. However as fate would have it a gusty south westerly originating from Antarctica arrived mid way through the round to make conditions far from ideal.

The lads

The Actual Cup -  Even more impressive than the artist impression, but why is it on a lean?
(Derek the Tallyman already has one hand on it!!! Is this an omen)

Some of you may question this but is there anything more beautiful than a golf course?

Back to the golf. After trailing by 0.5 on the first round the Rest of the World (Wherever that is?) were determined to put up a better showing for the final round for the Cup that everyone wanted to get their mitts on.

There was a great turnout of those dressed for the occasion with the ROW players showing a clear heel to the Australian contingent. Some of the best for the ROW follow.

Our English Rose Carol, with what seems to be a foot in each camp

Earle put in a solid effort for the Australians, as usual.

"Raygun" put in another appearance dressed for Halloween

Coops was ravenous and woofed off one, or possibly two rounds of toasted cheese and ham sandwiches, washed down with a coffee.


A curious onlooker

Surprisingly few "Spots of Bover" this round with the highlights following

Gardy advanced the ball 130 metres with his putter from this lie (was it a Scotty Cameron?)

To the Scores

Place getters for Round 2

1. Gardy
2. Keith 
  3. Derrek

A complete white wash by the ROW


NTP #18 - Keith (but there's more to it and we will get to that)
Golden Hole - Karl
NTP #12 - Club
NTP in 2 #10 - Popey
LD Men #2 Mark W
LD Ladies #8 - Linley


Andrea #3 & #6

Praise the Lord - another chip in on the 6th

Derek - #7 
Roland #7
Paul B #7 & 18
Karl #3

Keith #18

Keith's pre-shot routine on the 18th

It Worked & Keith racks up a 4th Hole in One (in competition)

Unfortunately Paul B had a prior commitment and couldn't be there to accept the "Lollies" so Coops graciously accepted them (refusing to share them with anyone) and was seen leaving Perry Lakes a very happy man munching on a Mars Bar.


ROW take out the Cup with 63.7 from Australia on 62.6

The ROW Captain giving a brief speech after accepting the trophy. Derek has enlarged his mantlepiece to accommodate the Cup and Frances has promised to polish it at least once a week.

The Gracious Winners - two years in a row.

Best outfit on the day went to Coral, so it was a great day out for the Barrows

Our thanks to those who contributed to the Sausage Sizzle. The Truffle Hill Merlot was sensational (Where can I buy a few bottles?.

A further reminder on the End of Year Dinner & Presentation Night.
Please advise Shelly of you attendance - we need number now to determine the final cost.

Next week its the "Memorial" in remembrance of member past with a beastly tee off time of 7.24 on the Tuart - No Pajamas Please

Lastly following on from last weeks Captains Comments

Remember "No Monkey Business"

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