Sunday, June 16, 2024

Matchplay #3 on the old course

It's Matchplay again time and this was the last chance for our fellow members to earn qualification points.

                                                      BEFORE THE GAME

Andrea seems to take it very seriously

though the smiling faces prove otherwise

spot the differences

Vickie, where's your green bag?

Gary prepares his tools
before challenging Gerry


Winners or losers?
Ladies doesn't matter as long as
you enjoy the game.


                                    DURING THE GAME

That buggy never felt the inside of a bunker 
during its life with the former owner
The only Pugdog managed it yet again.
And guess what?
He chipped his ball
over the bunker right into the cup!

Nope, some even don't need putters!

Andrew reporting from the 16th hole:
"I chunked my drive half up in the semi rough
and then Peter B, Gonchy and Kerry conspired
to chunk their shots even better than me. Teebox visible in the background.
We then played nearest to the pin in two -
which Peter would have won if was not off the green.
I managed to pip Kerry by half a step. Neither of us was close"

Gonchy & Kerry the new dream team

Gonch extending his collection of 
"blue tree" chips

Peter B reporting yet more
bunker buggy marks
this time one hole 14
and NOT raked.
Members of group 1 might
be called for a fine next week!!

                                            THE RESULTS


Peter        2 up     vs Andrew

Gonchy   3 / 1     vs Kerry

Roland    4 / 3     vs Puggy

Gary        2 / 1     vs Gerry

Andrea    4 / 3     vs Colin

Mark W   4 /2     vs Earle

Dave        3 / 2    vs Steph

Greg         4 /3    vs Boris

Coops       2 / 1   vs Shelley

Maureen   6 / 4    vs Vickie


  Brett        37 pts

Paul B       33 pts

James        31 pts


The "blondest moment" of the day
Even a late start of 10 am seems to be
too early for our one and only Steph.
While her opponent Dave
was already at the tee box Steph took
her time buying a coffee.
Guess who won?

Andrea presenting out the results
(the SOS shirt suits her well) 

Shelley calling out the fines

while Steph & Boris were not
overly successful in collecting coins

but with a bit of pressure & whipping
from Mrs. Shelley Yeo

coins were starting to come in

Gerry standing in as president

Raffle winner Gerry,
he's doing much better than his wife

                                      IMPORTANT AFTER-GAME NOTES 

                                                (brought in by Gerry replacing Goochy)

Tony Gooch (aka Goochy ) submitted his resignation as president of SOS  last Wednesday for personal reasons and appreciates the understanding of everyone.
We will miss you mate and appreciate your support during many years in different positions on our committee, and we are pretty sure he will try to come back asap.

2  Matchplay

The 3 Qualification games are done and Andrea will publish the results this week via email.

Please note: In case you are qualified in the top 8, and you already know you cannot play in the 3 final games, you should withdraw (mail to Andrea)

The 3 final games:

Quarter-final     July 20
Semi-final August 3
Grand final      August 17

Knockout rules

The winners of the quarter-finals will progress to the semi-finals and only winners of the
semi-finals will progress to the grand final.
The draw for the 8 qualifying players for the quarter-finals is: 1 v 8; 4 v 5; 3 v 6; and 2 v
7 with the winner of 1 v 8 playing the winner of 4 v 5 and the winner of 3 v 6 playing the
winner of 2 v 7 in the semi-finals.

The semi-finals and the grand final must be played for the trophies to be awarded. That
means the championship cannot be won on a forfeit.
If a player is unavailable on a fixture date the two affected players may nominate an
alternative Saturday or another day, which must be within 14 days of the original fixture
date, on either the Tuart or the Old Courses as agreed between the two players.

3 International dinner & Matchplay auction

Our annual international dinner and Matchplay auction will be held on July 13 at 18h at Lot Six Zero (Innaloo)  generously offered by our sponsor Glen Pope.

Please send your proposed dish (appetizer, main, or dessert) to Glenn Kelly and Shelley ASAP for coordination if possible reflecting your country of origin. 
Flags or any decoration stuff is certainly welcome.

4 Price increase

Wembley increased again the green fee by $ 1 effective July 1st,
So it will be $ 52 + $1(for the golden hole) for the Winter Cup 2 - July 6

5 Interim President

Gerry accepted the position of interim president in replacement of Tony, until the end of this season.
The position will be reopened in the next regular AGM.

6 Next week

    Championship # 4    on Tuart    at 9:56 am

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