Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Fellowship Day 2024


A Day of Fellowship and Friendly Competition

This past Saturday, the SOS Golf Group enjoyed joining forces with the WA Blind Golf Association (WABGA) for our annual Fellowship Day. We were also delighted to welcome Bavid Bonomini and David Irvine from Austin Engineering / AustBuy, who generously sponsored the event.

Fortune smiled upon us as the weather remained ideal for golf throughout the day, adding to the overall enjoyment and camaraderie.

Heartfelt Thanks and Special Mentions

We sincerely thank the WABGA members who joined us on Saturday. Special mentions go to David Martin and Glenn Niciejewski, who travelled from Karratha and Queensland respectively. It was also great to see familiar faces, including Peter Heinrich, Peter Drury, Denna Minchulo, Ron Anderson, and David Lee, rounding out the WABGA team.

Watching the WABGA players navigate the course was both inspiring and humbling. Their skill and determination is truly commendable. 

Ron lining up to hit one straight down the pipe 

Did someone drop a dollar?

Goochy putting from the rough?

Gerry waving to his fans in the gallery 

Earle and David wishing they brought a calculator

Fellowship Cup Results

While the scores are secondary to the spirit of fellowship, the Fellowship Cup was retained by the SOS Golf Group with an average of 32.75 stableford points compared to WABGA’s 27.5 points.

The boys from Austin with David Martin (President of WABGA) 

Individual Achievements

Glen Kelly had an exceptional day on the course, amassing a massive 44 points. Fortunately for us (thank the Lord Jesus Christ), he had to leave early to watch the Eagles, sparing us the pleasure of recounting his shot-by-shot heroics.

That being said, he and his buggy still managed to find their way into the bunkers. 

So how did Puggy do it? With 1 under on the front and 3 little birdies for a gross 76 (4 over the card). 


Rounding off the leaderboard was Earle Scarff and Gary ‘the coach’ Burgess on 38 points. Peter Heinrich was the best of the WABGA with 35 points with wipes on the last few holes

Andrea and Peter

How'd the golf game go ladies?

Goochy trying to stick to Paul Coopers '3B's' in "Be Brave", "Be Brief" and "Bugger Off" 

Ron explaining to us how much he loves the NDIS


Here are the novelty winners, based on my (admittedly) imperfect memory:

  • (WABGA) NTP #2 – Peter Heinrich
  • (WABGA) NTP in 2 #16 – Peter Heinrich
  • NTP in 3, #5 – Glenn Kelly
  • NTP, #6 – Glenn Kelly
  • NTP in 2, #10 – Paul Gardner

I was slightly concerned when Paul G said he wanted to send me a photo of his 'blue balls'. I know 'Blue Tree Project' is meant to raise awareness for mental health, but my mental health would be improved if they cut the bastard down on the 18th 

We had three birdies on the 15th hole, with the leader board topped by Pugdog. Additional birdies included:
  • Glen Kelly - Holes 6, 8, 15
  • Goochy - Holes 4, 15
  • Gary - Hole 15
  • Paul G - Hole 7
  • Earle - Hole 4

Special Thanks

A special thanks to Gerry and the buys for Austin for organising the sponsorship and to Brigit for bringing her camera to capture the day’s memories.

Looking Ahead

Next week is the last qualifying round of match play. Best of luck to everyone participating!

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