Goochy here. Long-time reader, first-time blogger.
Thanks to those who submitted photos and to everyone else for patiently awaiting the Blog. I would have posted on Saturday afternoon, but the missus decided it was a perfect time to go floor shopping. She must have read my mind because, really, who wouldn't want to do that on a glorious Saturday afternoon? Naturally, I had to wash down this experience with a half dozen pints at the Innaloo Varsity Bar and was not in much of a state to do anything on Saturday night.
I know we need the rain but how good is the golfing weather? Having said that, am I the only pessimist or does everyone think like me?:
Of course everyone is smiling pre Match Play.
Andrea, Carol, and Karl...the latter have decided to 'Big League' the SOS as he will be participating in the Wembley
GC's Pennants Team for the next few weeks. Best of luck Champ!
Carol, Paul, Shelley and Bernie
Earle hanging out with all his mates or perhaps secretly waiting and hoping for a no-show for the 4 points?
Fran and Steph...earplugs anyone?
Goochy and Dave (AKA the smiling assassin)
The fear is genuine
Novelties (aka the Goochy and Maureen Show!):
Does not look like we will need to sharpen the novelty pencils for next week.
NTP on 2 - Goochy beaten by Maureen
LD women on 15 - Maureen
LD men on 7 - Goochy
NTP in 2 on 10 - Goochy
NTP in 3 on 5 - Puggy, Gary beaten by Bernie
Maureen's approach on the 6th - a nice little birdie to boot.
Well done to all those who scored birdies.
Gary on 8
Gardy on 4 and 8
Puggy on 1
Goochy on 15
Keith on 11 and 13 (one the way to murdering the back 9 with one over)
Maureen on 6
Puggy birdied the 1st, while this is everyone else.
Match Play Results:
Well done to the winners on the weekend, and commiserations to those who came in second. There were some blowouts, close games and a couple of shared honours.
Maureen 5 and 4 over Andrew
Keith 5 and 3 over Andrea
Frances 2 and 1 v Steph
Goochy 5 and 4 v Dave
Karl and Gerry all square
Puggy 2 and 1 v Carol
Gary 3 and 2 v Paul G
Shelley 5 and 4 v Bernie
Peter 2 up v Colin
Barry 6 and 4 v Kerry
Earle 1 up v Roland
Greg and Mark W all square
Keith 5 and 3 over Andrea
Frances 2 and 1 v Steph
Goochy 5 and 4 v Dave
Karl and Gerry all square
Puggy 2 and 1 v Carol
Gary 3 and 2 v Paul G
Shelley 5 and 4 v Bernie
Peter 2 up v Colin
Barry 6 and 4 v Kerry
Earle 1 up v Roland
Greg and Mark W all square
Poor Dave after he missed his 6th putt by a matter of millimetres
Karl chipped out his 'viagra' ball that was 'hard up' against the tree.
I've heard of choking down on the club and playing the ball at the back of your stance, but this is next level from Puggy
Presidents Notes:
Big Happy Birthday to TJ who celebrated his Birthday on Sunday (along with an Eagles win)
Next week is Round 3 of the Club Champs on the Old.
Fellowship Day is coming up on the 8th of June. This is a highlight of our calendar, and we have 8 to 9 players signed up from the WABGA to battle it out with the SOS for the Austin Cup. Post-game, we will enjoy fellowship at Perry Lakes (weather permitting). Thanks to Gerry for organising sponsorship with AustinEng / Austbuy - their support is fantastic.
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