Monday, May 27, 2024

Club Championship Round 3

 3rd Round of our annual Championship ..... let's see how that goes.

Weather forecast is not promising, but we SOS'lers are a tough weatherproof lot

                                                        BEFORE THE GAME

Boris needs the sleeves
to protect him "in the wood"
and not against the sun

Frances and the blokes....
captured for Derek

and this one for Jenny Treak

SOS women ready for THE Colgate ad
Andrea stylish as always with perfect color match
(aubergine coloured skirt & novelties bag)

Gerry! Dont crush Keith... please

Group 5: Shelley, we love your posture!

and this one! Shelley & Gim streching

Someone (4D) is determined to drive...

and push a buggy out of his way,
only not to be fined to being late at the tee box

I will try that next time.....

Who is afraid of whom?

Mates, that's much better! :-)

                                DURING THE GAME

We started the game in sun shine & blue sky
and were caught up at hole 4 

with a bit of rain

and while some were really well equipped
(talking rain equipment here!)

others aren't!(talking rain equipment as well!)

Back to golf....Boris drove his ball under this greenish boy

... and his buggy into Shelley's

featuring Steph whacking her ball out of the wood
(thanks for the photo Mr Gonch)

and Gim at hole 16 not happy with her drive

                                      AFTER THE GAME

The usual suspects discussing their games

Andrea handing out prizes


Carol won the lollies...

and Birgit did the raffle (with bad hair)

                                        THE RESULTS

Well done Lynne! and congratz to Andrea & Roland


Lynne                #18
Keith                 # 12 & 15
Roland              # 6
Paul B               # 2 & 14


LD women        #4     Andrea
LD men            # 5    Dave, followed by Peter, beaten by Gary B (the coach)
NTP in 2          # 10    James beaten by Keith
NTP in 3          # 17    Goochy, James, out maneuvered by our Captain Andrea!

Other news brought on by Goochy (aka the president)

  • We celebrated Greg Bennetts birthday
  • We welcomed back Anthony James (aka TJ)
  • and 4D who promised to bring some genuine Scotch Whiskey
  • Next week (01.06.) we're going to play another stroke play (WA Cup)
  • The week after we play the Austin Cup (with the blind golfers association), sponsored by Austin & organised by ex Captain Gerry
    • The after game will be either at the club house or at Perry Lakes
    • if you bring & wear (!) the Austin cap you got last year you will be rewarded with 3 Titleist golf balls.

THE END.....

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