Black Swan hazard!
Derek and Frances were met by this family of swans in their driveway as they tried to set off for golf this morning! As the swans appeared to be leaving Lake Claremont in search of the Swan River, the wildlife friendly Longhurst's first rang the local Ranger and then the Police as they ventured onto the roadway creating a traffic hazard! The outcome is not known as they had to leave for the golf course before either party had turned up to save the feathered state emblem!
Derek and Frances arrived a bit late but happier for knowing the family of swans
probably survived a grizzly fate!
A strong turnout of 19 SOS members gathered at 7.20 am to contest the Masters Trophy as well as the Perpetual Trophy. Perfect golfing weather greeted the players as they set forth on the Old Course which was in pretty good condition.
Greg, Richard and Malcolm at the first tee.
A quick look at the SOS Club Rules describes the competition for the Masters Trophy as a 18 hole stroke event to be played on the last day of the Winter Season and in conjunction with another stroke event, in this case the Perpetual Trophy, which is only open to members who have won a 36 hole event or the Match Play Competition in any fixture year. The winner of the Perpetual Trophy is the qualified player with the lowest net score. Minor changes to these rules were required to accommodate delays caused by Covid-19 restrictions.
Glen and Brett contemplate the 1st fairway.
Stephanie, Birgit, Bernie and Malcolm.
There were several reports of wayward behavior by players on the course including an impromptu Haka performed by Stephanie when she was confronted by a pair of blue tongued lizards!
Stephanie in Haka mode to appease the blue tongues!
The lizard responds with a bit of blue tongued defiance!
Jerry's ball is trapped in the cleft of a tree, but he manages to get it moving by adopting a branch hugging technique not often seen on the course.
While Frances demonstrates the Toyota leap to celebrate a snappy bit of club work!
We understand Frances did clear the ground by a number of centimetres!
A bit like this 👍 |
Frances clears the bunker on the 17th !
Also on the 17th, Glen Kelly, aka Pigdog, takes out the longest drive in convincing fashion!
For others there were intermittent glitches as balls were either topped, skied, sliced, drawn, over hit, under hit, bunkered and even lost! Many found their ability to comprehend the forces of gravity wanting!
Post Match at the Wembley Clubrooms
There was plenty of time for the early players to enjoy a cool drink while the tail end groups cleared the final holes and the results sheet became available.
Gary's call for all perpetual trophies to be handed in ahead of the annual dinner produced a table-full of silverware from last year's winners.
This included the damaged Memorial Trophy where the two obelisks had come un-stuck from the base.
The Results
Congratulations to Gary Burgess, our Club Captain, for winning both the Memorial and Masters Trophies for 2020. Gary won with a stapleford score of 42 including a birdie on the 12th hole; while Peter Baird took 2nd place, 2 strokes behind.
Competition was strong with 6 strokes separating the top 10 players!
Gary holds the Masters Trophy
Peter comes in 2nd with a welcome return to better scores!
Not many contenders today as the big hitters were in the early groups!
Tony hands back the fines list to the Club Captain after making a spirited call for offenders to dig deep for their numerous transgressions!
There were 2 birdies on hole number 12, the index 2 hole, winning two balls each for Gary and James. Nice play!
Congratulations to Bernie for winning the $10 first prize in the raffle draw! A bag of chips was also thrown in to sweeten the feat!
Bernie and the chips !
Brett won 4 balls for the day - one for his birdie and the other 3 from the raffle! |
Members will be playing for the Diggers Trophy on 7 November on the Tuart Course where the Golden Hole has jack-potted to above $200.
A bit of short iron practice is in order!
The Missed Putt
And for those that missed some short putts, it is never too late to practice reading the greens and taking a bit more time to sink that 'tap-in' .