Saturday, April 4, 2020

SOS - 4 April week 2 of suspended play


The good news is that golf courses in Australia are back playing golf, at least in Canberra and NSW where authorities have approved play subject to strict social distancing rules! However, many courses have stayed close and you can be assured the Town of Cambridge, which owns the Wembley Golf Resort¹, are most unlikely to follow suit. It would be a brave bureaucrat that exposed the town ratepayers to potential litigation if members of the public contracted the virus from picking up their balls!

State of Play

While there has been no activity on the course, you can be assured your committee has been working hard behind the scenes on a variety of issues effecting the club.

A flurry of emails were exchanged between committee members leading to a decision on Wednesday, 24 March, to suspend play. Glen was able to obtain a credit of booking fees for those that had paid for the round scheduled for 28 March. The following day the Town of Cambridge formally closed the golf course, and essentially all the facilities!

Caption Competition

Included in the scholarly dialogue exchanged between committee members on the virus issue was the profound statement 'You cannot play golf if you are dead!'

 This weeks golf ball prize goes to the first to identify the SOS committee member who made this historic and prophetic observation. Only open to members who did not receive the email in question.

Last weeks competition sought a caption for this photo of Steph and Kerry.

Congratulations to Greg, who submitted the only entry, with:

"How can you drink that stuff, where can I spit it "

When not playing golf ?

Presumably members have experienced a level of withdrawal now that Saturday cannot be devoted to pursuing the small round ball. No venue for idle banter, gossip or exaggerated accounts of midweek golf triumphs?

To keep some level of information flowing on the activities of members during this period of suspended play, please feel free to forward to the blog master any photos, videos and brief accounts of interest. Lewd, blasphemous, libelous and sexually inappropriate material will probably be published, so keep it in good taste!

Has anyone started to build a chipping, bunker or putting practice area in their back yard?

The following video demonstrates Bernie's talent knows no bounds!!
Click on link and be surprised !

Has everyone been successful with buying what you need at the supermarkets? With Easter on its way the supply and demand equation leaves a lot to be desired.

And how are you maintaining your fitness during these uncertain times?

Tales of the Weekend Golfer

Meanwhile, over in the USA . . .

Keep well and keep your social distance at a respectable length, particularly when downwind!

💃  😪  💣  💤   💨

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