Dry weather had returned and clear skies greeted a small contingent of SOS faithfuls and one guest, Paul Boquest, to another round of stableford on the Tuart. This was the 3rd week in a row on the Tuart; all early starts. The Tuart will be in play next week to be followed by 4 weeks of competition on the Old Course.
Brett, Stephanie, Earle and visitor Paul getting ready to tee off on the 1st hole.
This is the tranquil setting that last week saw Glen's remote control MGI buggy self navigate from the 9th green, beyond the trees in the far distance, all the way over, and into, the lake in the foreground. The electronics did not survive and Glen now has a brand new one and a keener understanding of the vagaries of how to unintentionally activate the 'remote' !
With the Golden Hole Jackpot on the par 3, 3rd hole having escalated to about $250 there was considerable interest in the challenge ahead. Excuses are always available to those explaining their misfortune on the fairways as well as the greens. This week it was the strong gusts of wind that wrecked havoc with many high and long shots.
There were many lost balls! Glen Kelly is claiming a record for finding 16 balls in 3 minutes while searching for his tee shot off the 15th tee, which soared over the nearby trees on the left and kept going for another 200 metres or so. While the ball was never found, Peter also scooped up another 8 in the same spot!
The Results
Glenn Kelly has to settle for 3rd place on a count-back.
While Derek stoically accepts the bag of lollies for coming very last, despite a 4-way tie on 27 points !
Club President, Brett Fordham, advised that Max Patriarca will be celebrating his 17th birthday on Sunday and Ross Campbell had notched up another milestone earlier in the week.
The Novelties
Golden Hole
Yet again, no-one quite got it right on the par 3, third hole, so the prize pool has climbed to exactly $250.
The Raffle
Tony also won the raffle and added the $10 to his haul for the day!
Ash Tray
Club Captain Gary helps Derek collect the fines, there being many lost balls, multiple bunker shots, windies and many other fineable events.Next Week
SOS Annual Dinner
The Presidents Speech
In welcoming members and their guests Brett thanked all for enabling the club to survive a tumultuous year which started with him missing the first Committee meeting while he went fishing with his mates, so that his first Presidential order was to close the club down as golf courses throughout Australia were forced to shut as the COVID-19 epidemic snowballed into a pandemic!!
'virtual' meetings of the committee were the order of the day until the course was re-opened six weeks later in mid May, and 'social distancing' entered the golfers vocabulary!
The pandemic forced the club to adopt a new electronic scoring and payments system which, while well managed by the the Booking Officer, proved more difficult to the average member than learning a second language! The President made several unflattering analogies to the membership with reference to the difficulties experienced in herding cats!
Other changes included the Club Captain introducing a trophy deferral system by which a trophy is presented the week after the player wins it. The theory was that it was highly unlikely a player would have two good rounds in a row, so receiving a trophy after a bad round would make them feel better. The President noted the committee has intervened and the Club Captain is to have no more good ideas!
The COVID-19 closure caused the cancellation of the annual competition with the WA Blind Golf Club however, a donation of $200 was made to their club and the President noted most SOS members would have had the same experience playing with fellow members! Barry Treak, James Weaver, Dave Williamson and Vickie Scarff were given special mention.
Paul Gardner was also mentioned for creating several 'firsts'. In the second round of the match-play competition he was reported for being so far under the influence that he could not see his ball, tee, fairway or opponent and had lost the match by the 9th hole! In yet another club history making event he was the first husband to be placed on Gumtree for sale that evening!
Bernie and Stephanie . . match play finalists !
Yet another first for the club history was the Matchplay final being battled out between all female finalists! The Kiwi's prevailed over the Irish with Stephanie Jeffares over-powering Bernie Caffrey. The President noted that an inquiry continues to investigate the spirit in which the final was played as there appeared to be far too much giggling and friendly chat rather than the normal tantrums, sledging, pins and voo doo dolls that members are used to. The Committee has amended the Constitution so that, from 2021, all match play finalists must be third generation Australians!
The culprits !
In the same spirit, a recent member was renamed 'Pug Dog' (from 'Pig Dog') and presented with a ball marker to assist in the transition and to make him feel more at home in the club!
The President noted departure from the Wembley Pro Shop of long time friend of SOS, 'Jimmy', and that Patches will also be leaving soon.
But the saddest of the departure news for the 2020 calendar year was the announcement of big personalities, close friends and all round good guys, Paul and Kerry Gardner! Their gamesmanship, friendship and commitment to the club will be forever remembered and sadly missed. Members wish them well in their UK adventures which has begun with a number of weeks of lockdown and Paul transitioning back to a 'winging pom' ! ! ! In Kerry's absence the Club President has appointed a wildcard and side kick to run the club's social events for the rest of the season.
Paul and Kerry
Hospitals & Medical
The President also recalled several medical events during the year including Treasurer Shirley Yeo's operation to rectify herniated neck discs. Shirley is in recovery mode and hoping to play again early in the new year. Francis Longhurst also undertook surgery and, according to Derek, has a much improved demeanor!
Earle Scarff recently drove himself to hospital after suspecting he was having a stroke! Upon arriving and confirmation that he had suffered a mini stroke doctors asked why he had driven himself in such an emergency, to which Earle replied 'you would completely understand if you experienced my wife's driving' ! Other references to Earle's driving abilities are considered unfit for publication!
The President noted these procedures are to be expected throughout the careers of high performing athletes and are commonly regarded on the circuit as knocking the rust off!!
New Arrivals
The SOS club was pleased to announce several new arrivals through the 2020 calendar year, including:
Tony 'TJ' James aka 'the chunky monkey', deep divot maker and known to kidnap fellow members at the 19th hole.
James 'Leavers' Weaver brought the big game to the club, on one occasion sending his tee ball on a par 4 over the head of the President who was putting on the distant green!
Glenn 'Pig Dog' (now 'Pug Dog') Kelly filling the shoes of the departed 'Gardi'; full of quirky comments and 9th on the big hitters list.
Gerry 'Swagger' Tessier bringing a calm demeanor to all on-course actions. Offers putter for sale to fellow players when putting poorly but embraces same after a good putt!
Birgit Reinhardtz brings a no-nonsense game to the club; almost offered immediate membership after stating on the membership application that she likes golf but loves wine! Identified as possible future Blog Master.
Alana 'Giggles' Birch has an infectious giggle and is an ambassador of how the game should be played. In event of poor shot, giggle at it, find it, do it again!
Paul and Maureen Boquest are expected to apply for membership after completing their qualifying games and members are are on notice to be on their best behavior until they have both paid their membership fees.
Social News
The COVID-19 lockdowns and social distancing restrictions limited the number of social events but a 'sausage sizzle' at Perry Lakes was held as soon as the lockdown rules were relaxed. As BBQ facilities were still off limits, the social committee substituted with ham sandwiches and sausages joined the trophy deferral program!
The annual Christmas in July event was delayed until September with Paul and Kerry again hosting the event which had a strong turnout, fantastic food, great company and copious amounts of booze! The 'hat of the night' was awarded to a member who acquired all the materials from a hospital theatre!
The SOS Club was thrilled to learn of the engagement of our very own Irish girl Bernie Caffrey. It is a short engagement with wedding soon to be held. Stephanie Jeffares, who heads up the ladies toilet gossip circle has stated it is a shotgun wedding and Bernie is with child! This has since been discounted and chalked up as another of Stephanie's blond moments ! !
Bernie defending her dignity !
Lost and Found
Lost : 1 x Diggers Trophy . . . found in the Course Marshall's cart
Lost : 256 golf balls . . . never found
Found : 180 golf balls, none belonging to us
Lost : 2 x poms to the UK - The Gardi's
Found : 2 x poms from the UK - welcome back Keith and Carol Barrow
Lost : 4 x Guest golf cards from the Country Cup
Missing : Richard Yeo, Ross Campbell & Rob Grey believed to be in the Maylands area
For Sale
1 x electric golf cart with golf ball damage . . . contact Vickie Scarff
1 x putter working intermittently . . . contact Gerry Tessler
1 x husband also works intermittently . . . contact Kerry Gardner
1 x electric golf buggy near new with water grass weed, duck shit and some water damage . . . contact Glen Pope
2020 Wet Buggy Award
Fantastic blog Peter. Much enjoyed. Greetings all from wet Sydney. Happy golfing. Frances