Despite Gardies absence the reading of the fines generated substantial revenue with as usual, fowl language fines generating a greater part of the takings.
That’s a pairs game where you multiply your Stableford score by your partner’s score; disappointing when one of you has a four-pointer while your partner cards a zero.
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Another clear blue day, a gentle breeze and a comfortable 28 degrees. Couldn’t be better.
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Gary shows off his new socks |
We had reports that Glenn Kelly has been a bit of a media tart, turning up during the week on Channel 7 news. Seems he’s been giving blood, and deserves our respect rather than a cheap joke about who’d want his blood, even as a gift? Well done, Glenn.
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Gerry apologises for persisting with the anniversaires, but demonstrated to us the difficulty he has with the pronunciation of ‘birthday’. (Incidentally, I believe it is only English and Icelandic that uses the ‘th’ sound, which is why foreigners always sound so ‘foreign’). He (Gerry) notes that Brett is now officially a ‘Grumpy Old Man’ as a result of his recent anniversaire, but will unfortunately be absent from golf for a few more months as a result of his shoulder injury. However, he has indicated that Brett will be joining us at the nineteenth hole soon, as apparently his shoulder injury does not prevent him from raising a glass to his lips if required.
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Glen Pope is also still on the injury list, as a result of a buggered back. Wishing you both a speedy recovery.
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We did however welcome a few stragglers back today. TJ was spotted, in an SOS shirt no less, as well as Lynley in her sleeveless wonder.
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Hilly also joined us, sporting a very trendy new haircut, and Gary is back after a series of celebrity appearances elsewhere.
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Good to see you all back.
We also met with Alex Mancini, who is auditioning for his SOS membership, and hit a tidy 92 off the stick.
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TJ's recovery shot...wasn't!! |
Important news on the raffle front - the number of tickets has now increased to 75, as a result of the increase in membership. All 75 were sold today. The non-mathematicians amongst us may not have noticed that paying $1 for a 75:1 chance of winning $10 is not exactly the best odds going,’s all in a good cause.
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Shelley remarks that a malcontent fiddled with her buggy while it was parked outside last week during the afters, causing it to run into the wall and continue to operate until the motor finally burned out. The repair cost her tidy $270.
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Just threaded a miracle shot through five trees, and it ends up here! |
Another incident occurred near the 18th tee, where a miscreant was discovered hiding in the bushes with a bullhorn, aiming to disturb golfers as they teed off. Notwithstanding the disturbance, Lynley managed a great shot off the tee - meanwhile a couple of lads on the 11th tee gave chase to the neer-do-well, who was apprehended after a chase and treated to a little friendly biffo.
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Paul brings the pooch to play |
Talking of tee shots, Coops has coined the term ‘pisstosterone’ - to describe the shot you smack hard down the fairway after a pissed-poor result on the previous hole.
Mark Hill had an expensive fines session, with five tree-to-fairways, a tree-to-green, two in the bunker, two lost balls (one of which was discovered in the middle of the fairway after he’d already played his penalty shot), club abuse and no doubt something else.
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Hilly raids the treasury to prepare for his fines |
There were birdies:
Wayne on the 1st - that’s the way to start your round
Gary on the 2nd,
Andrea on the 11th
Mark W on the 11th and 12th
and Keith on the 14th.
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Wayne notes that he lost a ball on the 11th, only to find it again while playing the 17th !
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Contender for 'spot of bovver' of the week |
The card reader in the pro shop is still out of service. However, if you note your score as you go round on the MiScore app, it will appear on the computer as you finish. Apparently, you register as a competition guest. The guys in the pro shop have been ready to enter them for us when necessary.
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The novelties were a little novel this week, but the winners less so:
Longest Drive - unisex today - went to Mark Hill who unleashed a monster that still made the middle of the fairway on the 3rd. None of the girl big-hitters was able to take the benefit of their 50m advantage on that hole.
Nearest in 2 on the 6th , Mark Hill again, but Paul Boquest snuck inside before Keith got closest.
The longest putt on the 8th, the first group had four tap-ins, so all just missing, but Shelley got her name on the marker before Peter did even better.
The 14th - nearest the bunker in one, without going in. Paul Boquest got close, Andrea inside that, then Boris was very close, but Mark Wilson must have been teetering on the edge to beat that, but beat it he did.
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Unsurprisingly, the Golden Hole remained unclaimed.
Which left just nearest in three on the 18th, Mark Hill got his name on the card very early, and no-one was able to beat him.
Meanwhile, Coops notes that he has registered for the Par 3 Competition only to discover that it is the evening of his wedding anniversary. We’ve agreed to make an exception this time and let the missus caddie for him - it is a special occasion after all!
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The individual scores were as follows, but no lollies and no prizes here - it was a team game.
And the team results are as follows.
Barry |
Peter |
85 |
Coops |
Greg |
65 |
Keith |
TJ |
65 |
Earle |
Wayne |
59 |
Andrea |
Shelley |
56 |
James |
Pug Dog |
53 |
Vicky |
Lynley |
51 |
Karl |
Gerry |
50 |
Paul B |
Derek |
47 |
Hilly |
Gary |
42 |
Carol |
Kerry |
38 |
Mark Wilson and Alex remained out of the competition.
Not much doubt about the winners. There was a 4X3 and several 3X3s to make up an impressive and intimidating total. Not many competitions where the winner is twenty points clear of the rest of the field.
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Way out in front! |
Many thanks to all our talented photographers. Next week - the Australia Day Cup - a one week Stableford competition on the Old Course.