What a beautiful day for a game of golf!
A great bunch of 'dress ups' turned out to celebrate Austraya Day and to compete for the much-coveted Cup.
Many adorned their carts with The Aussie Flag as well as dressing to the max.
A special mention has to go to Shelley's sparkly dress, but unfortunately I don't have any pics
Whilst others just wore Aussie Hats and sported the Aussie Green & Gold.
The question is, did all this work for the golf scores and did it improve or ruin our games????

Good luck mate and see ya in a few weeks!
We also saw the return of Paul The Chippie King (don't worry mate the nickname will get better, but i'm a bit drained and my imagination isn't working to top speed) and his irish mate, Ciaron from Coleraine.
So onwards and upwards with the competition,,,,, tho some did seem a little bit more relaxed than others,,,,
The Results
And so the scores are in, and it was a mixed bag of results from the good to the not quite so good:-
WELL DONE Rob, a cracking score to win your first cup!!
1st Rob Gray – 44 (GA h’cp 19.6 & daily hc’p down 1 to 21 for both courses)
2nd Ian Holmes – 41 (GA h’cp 18.2 & daily hc’p down 1 to 19 for Old Course & remains 20 for Tuart)
3rd Paul Gardner – 39 Birdies 6th and 11th holes
4th Steve DeSantis – 38 Birdie 10th hole
5th Vickie Scarff – 36 (on 2nd countback)
6th Colin Kerr – 36
Gary Burgess – 36 (on 1st countback) (GA h’cp 8.9 & daily h’cp up 1 to 10 for both courses)
Stan Tan – 36 Birdies on 11th & 16th
Glen Pope – 35
Shelley Yeo – 34
Phil McKeague - 34
Malcolm Yeo 33
Greg Bennett – 33
Frances Longhurst – 31
Nola DeSantis – 31
Brett Fordham – 31
Earle Scarff – 31
Gim Ong – 30
Kerry Gardner – 27
Derek Longhurst – 24 (recipient of the lollies & an excellent finemaster!)
And for Paul The Chippie King third card a much improved 86.It looks like the practise is paying off mate
And for Irish Ciaron,,,, i believe it was a disappointing 99.
NTP3-- Glenn
NTP6-- Shared by Earl & Paul
NTP15- Gary
LD17-- Earl
Golden Hole
Yyyyaaaaayyyyy it has gone off again,,,, we have a new winner,,,,,,
Well done to Earl as he pockets $124
Nicely timed fella, as you got away without having to buy a drink as we all headed down to Bold Park for the Austraya Sausage Sizzle,,,, lucky bugger!
And to cap it all he walked away with the $10 from the raffle.
When it's your day, it's you day!!!! heheheh
Fines of the Week
Most people were pretty well behaved, but there were a couple of notable exceptions:-
Peter-- after seeing others people's flags, he was overheard saying "i would've brought mine, but my cat pissed on it!" hehehehe classic!
Shelley-- owning up to a bit of Club Abuse (not really as her club head came flying off) and nearly won a NTP!!
Austraya Day Sausage Sizzle
It was great to see Rich Yeo down at Bold Park, we all hope the next stage goes well for ya mate, and we see ya throwing your clubs again with SOS soon!

A big thanks goes out to Shelley for providing the Snags & Lamb, which went down an absolute treat.
And for Deeta and Fran who brought the salads,,,,,,,
Plus, it wouldn't be right to mention the thankless work done by our resident chefs Brett & Earl,,,,
hurdy gurdy gurdy, bud bud bud bud
Cheers fellas the Swedish Chef would be proud!
Best Dressed Competition
And the winners,,,,,,,,,, Derek & Fran.
Nice work peeps!
However there was a small objection put in by The Gardners (Kerry mainly) as they were regailed in Aussie Hat, Aussie Shirt, Aussie Flag on the golf buggies, Aussie Shorts.
Captain Earl had to be brought in to explain and make an important judgement, stating that you could only win if you were indeed a dinky di Aussie,,, so once again i was disqualified heheh
Maybe next year eh? Hehehheheheheeheh
Random Pics
The highly important bottle opener!
The Chef hard at work.
The progression of my golf clubs,,,,,
Colin looking hungry
What a great FinesMeister!!!!!
Fkn Aussied Up,,,, yeh, nah
More fkn Aussie,,,, too early for a VB,,,
fk nah!
Mmmmm loved the potato salad Deeta.
Calm before the heat
What could've been,,,,,,
And what it actually was,,, heheh
Yes, it did actually end up inside the tree,
Waiting for the awards with a cold one in hand
It got a little bit hot at times,,,
Feeding time at the zoo
Ahhh there was one of the dress,, SPARKLY!
Worst raffle in the world ever, as once again the committee cleans up AGAIN!