Thanks to Paul for sponsoring today's competition, and welcome back to Kerry after her visit to the Old Country, Eric after his travels, and Colin.
NTP on the 2nd, with the third shot - DJ
NTP on the 9th, Gim
NTP on the 12th, Gim
LD on the 16th, Derek
Anyone short of golf balls, talk to Gim.
Today's card:

Tony 24
Derek 24
Lorenzo 27
Vickie 27
Christine 28
David 29
Colin 29
Eric 30
Phil 31
Earle 32
Lynne 34
Greg 34
Gary 34
Glen 34
Steph 35
Paul 36
Peter 36
Ian 36
Don 38
and today's winner, on 42, Gim!
A special mention must go to Lorenzo, whose continuing interaction with Australian wildlife culminated with his spirited defence of the attack of killer bees.
His citation mentions that he selflessly drew the swarm towards himself by running down the fairway waving his towel, thereby decoying the murderous beasts away from his playing partners and sacrificing himself.
Garibaldi would have been proud of him.
Lorenzo - don't forget, over 50% of Australian wildlife is VENOMOUS. That's why more people don't live here.

Do note, the date for the Annual Dinner is confirmed as November 17th, venue St Ives.
Scores for the Annual Eclectic will be closed off after the game on October 20th.